Thursday, May 7, 2009

Things that affect roses

Bugs, soil conditions, and location can all play a part in having a successful healthy rose garden. Take the time to plan out how and where you plant your roses, and be sure they are properly spaced and soil conditions are right. Also consider good soil drainage, remember roses can be the highlight of your garden with the countless varieties available today, but insects and disease can give you a poor to mediocre result, so when choosing a rose bush it is important to find that variety that is resistant to disease. Do not make your choice by class of rose and assume they are disease tolerant, many are very disease susceptible. Climate conditions in different parts on the country play a part, some will be disease tolerant in one area but not in another, and others will be disease resistant and climate conditions are not a major factor. Take a minute, read the packaging, ask your garden department associate, and purchase a good book on roses which can go into more in depth. Tips and facts can be very helpful to achieve your goal of a healthy and beautiful rose bush or garden, good luck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ideas for a Dry Climate Summer Garden

If what you call home is that area of the country where droughts are common in the summer months or in a dry dessert climate. A low water garden would make sense for you, when it comes to those plants that require huge amounts of water think on a small level. Consider the plants that are native to your area so you’re still able to follow any water conservation rules and regulations in your area. You don’t always have large amounts of plants to create a beautiful landscape, decorative stones can make a nice border around those plants you do have and there are a large variety of lawn ornaments available to suit about anyone’s taste. There are also many low water grass seed mixes that will grow in dry areas too. Careful planting with minimal use of those high water consuming green plants and use of those dry climate plants available you can have that water friendly summer garden you'll surely be proud of.

Click Here For More on Gardens

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Helpful Tips about Roses

Some roses you may purchase at your garden center or through mail order catalogs maybe packed in wood shavings without soil and are dormant plants also the upper growth of the Rose may be coated in wax. This keeps the plants from drying out when they are being stored for mail order or sale at your garden center. The wax is not harmful in any way and will break away from the plant during the normal growth of the Rose. The stalks on the Roses should be a healthy green in color and with a little weight to the plant; a Rose that seems unusually light and will break apart easily is most likely unhealthy and dried out.

If you purchased your Roses through a mail order catalog company, they should be shipped when climate conditions are favorable for your area. Discuss this when placing your order. If you go down to your area store for your purchase try to choose from their most recent shipment. Temperatures in the store may cause premature growth that may result in a poorly developed plant. Planting the Roses in the soil should be done as soon as possible if not they should be at a 40 degree temperature and kept moist by a covering of peat or wood shavings, should you need more then two weeks for planting consider planting them outdoors laying them down in a lightly dug trench placing soil over the roots and also the green stacks growth if conditions are dry. Careful selection at your area store and good communication with your mail order company will surly be beneficial for that summer Rose garden project.

Click Here For More Helpful Tips On Roses

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Summertime Garden Tips

Want a great summer garden? Take some time to plan it out it can be a garden that will be the envy of all your friends or it can be to your own personal taste. Planning it out will surely pay off whatever your choice shrubbery, flowers, vegtables, figures out the best area and problem areas of your yard.

You will want it were the garden will compliment those problem areas and not distract your eye from your other picture perfect landscape projects. A professional garden should we thought out and planned with that in mind. Use of lawn furniture, landscape stone for foot paths, waterfalls , ponds, water pump devices you see at your local home improvement store, maybe a bird house or two. But remember you got to know when to stop.

Use lighting around those stone walkways you created aside from adding great beauty to your garden. The paving stones and lighting will prevent visitors from accidentally destroying your garden plantings. Keep those plants watered and maintain those special features that make your garden unique. And whatever type garden you choose it will surely be appreciated by young and old alike.

Outdoor Garden Weddings

June means different things for different people. For some of us it means the beginning of summer. And for others it will be the month you decide to make that life long commitment with that special one in your life. Yes your wedding day that very special day can be one of pleasant lifelong memories, especially if you decided to hold your ceremony outdoors. But think ahead don’t let mother nature rain on your parade. Hopefully this won't happen on that special day. But if it does happen here are a few suggestions to help you out.

Tents are a great solution that will protect you, your wedding party, and of course your guests, also think about that hot humid weather that’s possible. Keep an adequate amount of fans ready to keep you and you guests comfortable. Remember your outdoor wedding will allow you to plan a more casual relaxing, less formal event, than that indoor more formal ceremony. Give some thought about your hair and make up. Plan for the possibility of a hot and humid day, this is when those fans we discussed earlier would be a great help.

Consider those flowers in your garden to create that special bridal bouquet. It will blend in with your outdoor garden theme and will help keep you on track if your budget minded and don't forget those refreshments, cold water, pop, whatever’s your cup of tea is always welcome on a hot summer day. Just take the time to plan your outdoor garden wedding, and it will be that special day you dreamed about.

Click Here For More On Having A Beautifal Garden